Before our departure..

Hello, Friends!

We are down to 1 day before Taylor and I leave for our trip!  These past few days have been pretty crazy trying to get everything ready.  With trying to pack for the trip while moving out of our apartment, it has been a bit of a challenge.  

Taylor and I moved in together a year ago with hopes to save money for a trip of a life time but, we had no real plan in sight.  It wasn't until February of this year that we decided "it's now or never".  We booked our first AIRBNB and our dream started turning into a reality.  I am so lucky my sister has a passion for travel planning.  In all honesty, if it wasn't for her, this trip would not exist.  

Fast forward to present day, we have officially handed over our keys and are moved out!  It is surreal.  


So here it is, the last 24 hours before we get on the plane.  The last 24 hours before I will be doing something I have always wanted to do.  And on top of that, I get to do it all with my sister.  I am truly grateful.  

Peace & Love, 

P.S. Thank you Mandi & Hary for watching Kalillah for me! <3