
Dublin, Ireland
September 30th -
October 3rd

Once Taylor and I landed in Dublin, we went in search of public transportation.  We found the bus we were looking for and hopped on.  In case you are wondering, many of the hostels we book give us decent directions from wherever we arrive.  It is very helpful and saves us time once we get there.  That being said, this is one of the times we had to rely on google to get us there.  Unless you are a local, its hard and sometimes impossible to figure out which stop you need to get off at.  There aren't signs, overhead notifications, or a screen to tell you this is where you get off.  It took about 45 minutes to get to our stop.  We were greeted at our hostel by a lovely staff and brought our things up to the room.  It was cute and simple. 

We were hungry but had no idea where to go.  Also, it was raining so we wanted to stay close.  We asked the front desk of the hostel where we should go for dinner.  He recommended a spot that was close by and we were on our way.  We were about 5 minutes into our walk when the rain picked up.  This is when we realized our rain jackets weren't exactly rain proof.  We were soaked and cold when we made it to the restaurant.  When we got here, we walked in and saw it was completely packed.  Not a single space for us to sit.  We were tired, wet, and hungry by now and had no intentions of battling anyone for a table.  We set back out into the weather.  Occasionally we had to stop under a few awnings to make sure our phones were dry enough to keep working.  Finally we made it to another restaurant and the staff was kind enough to direct us to a table upstairs.   Most restaurants we found out were pubs first and restaurants second.  The restaurant was called the Bankers and turned out to be pretty good. 

Taylor ordered vegetable soup with mashed potatoes and I got Fish N Chips. 

Both of us got a Guinness (of course). 

Once we finished with dinner we put on our soggy jackets and headed to the Temple Bar area.  We found a bar, The Horseman, playing live music and headed inside.  We knew every song.  Taylor and I bought a couple beers and felt like we fit right in.  We met some nice people and had a fun time.  Its interesting how hard it is to understand English with an Irish accent.

After a few beers we headed back to the hostel.  It had stopped raining by then and we couldn't have been more thankful. 

The next morning Tay and I had two goals:  1.) find warmer jackets 2.) find a post office to figure out how to send some things home.  The longer we traveled, the more we realized there were many things we wish we didn't have to carry with us.  We decided to look for jackets first.  There is a store named Pennys we spent too much time in.  Its huge and full of deals.  We ended up getting jackets here for a very cheap.  I think Taylor's was 15 Euros.  Nuts!  Once we finished shopping we went in search of a restaurant Taylor had done research on.  It was called The Lotts Cafe Bar.  We got a cute little table upstairs next to a Grand Piano.  There was a Gaelic Football match on later this afternoon so most of the tables were reserved.  We each got a local craft brew and settled in.  Taylor got beef stew and I got Bangers N Mash.  Its safe to say this was the best meal I had while staying in Dublin.  SO GOOD.

After our delicious lunch, we ventured to the post office.  The guy behind the counter was very helpful.  He told us to go grab all of the things we wished to send and bring it back to the post office. He was going to help us from there.  So, that's what we did.  We walked home, assessed our belongings, packed up what we wanted to send, and headed back to the post office.  The man we spoke to before held true to his word.  He helped us figure out which packaging to use along with what the cheapest way to get it back home would be. Taylor ended up sending two bags home and I sent three.  (These ended up making it home within a week!)

We went back to the hostel feeling like a giant weight had been lifted off our shoulders.  Believe it or not, dropping a few pieces of clothing gave us more room in our bags along with making our packs feel much lighter.  Mom and dad were at Grammy's house this weekend so we got to chat with her of Facetime.  Moments like these were so special.

Tay and I hung around our hostel until it was time for dinner.  We headed to another restaurant Tay had researched.  It is called Merchants Arch and was right on the edge of the Temple Bar area but still on the river.  Again, we ate upstairs while listening to Irish music downstairs.  I had a Caesar salad (Irish food is heavy and I needed a break for the night).  Taylor got soup and soda bread.  All I heard her say before we got to Ireland was "I can't wait for soup and soda bread."  She wasn't kidding.  She got this at every meal, you will see.  We went back to the hostel as we had two tours planned for the next day.

The next morning we planned on going on the "hop on hop off" tour.  We didn't plan on hopping off though.  We just wanted to hear about the highlights of the city that we knew we wouldn't be able to make it to.  We sat on the top level and got a lot of wind in our faces.  It was a good tour for what we paid. 

Once we got off the tour, we searched for yet another great place Taylor looked up.  It was called Queen Of Tarts.  We waited a short while before getting seated.  The food was absolutely worth it.  I got an Irish coffee, soup, and a sandwich.  Taylor got hot chocolate and soup.  Because this was a dessert place, I had to try something and ended up getting a chocolate Guinness cake. 

Occasionally, Taylor and I felt the need to get some extra walking in and this was one of those times.  At first we were looking for a place we were supposed to get a free Guinness offered to us by our tour.. never found the place.  We gave up on that plan and decided to walk to the Guinness Storehouse. The tour was interactive and kept our attention the entire time.  We took some photos in a photo booth which put our faces into old Guinness adds.  It was a fun time.  If anyone knows me, they know I love Guinness.  I was in heaven.

We walked home in the dark.  The city is pretty, especially at night.  We knew we would need to get some food before the night was over so we went in search of noodles in a box.   We were successful!  Tay ended up getting a burrito at the place next door. We brought it back to the hostel and ate it up before heading to bed.  We had a bus to catch the next morning!

Peace & Love,