Limerick / Waterford

Limerick, Ireland
October 6th-8th

Taylor and I hopped on a bus early in the morning and were on our way to limerick.  We really didn't know what to expect but we knew we wanted to experience another side of Ireland.  We arrived at the bus station and had about a 20 minute walk to our hotel.  Any time we stayed in a hotel was a treat for us.  Hostels are great, it is just really nice to have the luxury of soap, shampoo, and cable here and there.  We dropped our things off and walked out to see what Limerick was all about.  We were hungry, go figure, so our first stop was at a restaurant.  We walked a little ways to a pub around the corner.  I had the special, which was some sort of burrito and Taylor got soup.. again! 

Back in Amsterdam, Tay and I went to the Heineken Brewery and got two bottles of beer each with our names on them.  Knowing we were about to have to fly soon, we decided this would be the place to drink them.   We only had one problem.. we had nothing to open them with.  Goodness, this was such a task for the both of us, I still cannot believe we succeeded.  We used just about anything we could find to get these bottles open, her purse, a ledge, a door frame, keys, etc.   Eventually we got the darn bottles open and enjoyed the beer!

We walked around the city a bit but it got dark sooner than we were expecting.  We ended up hanging around the hotel until it was time for dinner.  Limerick is a small city with little to do besides go to a pub.  We looked up a good place nearby and were off.  The city was pretty at night time with a river running through the center.  We ended up at The Locke and got seated by a fireplace.  It was a small seat but considering there was Irish dancing going on in the main room, we were lucky to have a place at all.  The food was ridiculously good and the atmosphere was fun!  TAYLOR DIDNT GET SOUP!  It was my first time seeing Irish dancing in Ireland as well!   Unfortunately, I did not gat any pictures of the dancing! :(

After dinner, we called it a night.  We had plans for the next day. 

We researched a bit the night before and realized there isn't much to the town of Limerick.  We wanted to be sure that we didn't miss an inch of history so we explored the city a bit before making it to the King John's Castle. 

We made it to the 13th century King John's Castle after a nice walk through the town.  We didn't have much time to research the castle before we entered.  This was no problem as the entire place was full of interactive stations that we got so much information from.  There weren't many people there with us and it felt as if we had the entire place to ourselves.  There were beautiful views at the top of the watch tower as well. 

After a few hours exploring every inch of this place we wandered our way back through the city towards the hotel.  Of course we were hungry for lunch so we stopped in a place before heading back to the room.  Yes, Taylor got soup again.

We made it back to our hotel to rest a bit before exploring the city later that evening.  While in our room we drank the last of our beer from Amsterdam.  I had bought a little bottle opener while at the castle earlier that day to make the task a bit easier. 

We ended up eating Chinese food for dinner.  There weren't many places for us to venture to and this restaurant was basically in our hotel.  It was actually very good!

After dinner we headed to a pub called Cobble Stones which was right around the corner.  We sat at the bar for a bit as the crowd began to grow.  It was interesting because the staff came in and took all of the tables and bar stools (where we were sitting) away.  There was a local band playing and we assumed it must get pretty busy later in the night.  We didn't stay for too long.  We wanted to get a good breakfast in before traveling to Waterford the next morning.

Waterford, Ireland
October 8th-9th

We hopped on a bus to Waterford.  I think we were pretty bussed out at this point.  We walked to our hotel and found that we were a bit too early to check in.  They allowed us to drop our packs for a few hours and we decided to walk around the city.  Close friends of ours suggested we go to the Waterford House of Crystal.  We booked tickets online and headed straight that way.  Neither of us really knew what to expect but were excited to be seeing one of the things Waterford was well known for.

Once we arrived (we barely made our tour time) we hopped in at the beginning of our tour.  We saw the evolution of crystal styles and trends, massive custom pieces, the place where everything was made, and the people who worked so meticulously to make a flawless product.  It really was amazing.  Thanks Hallie and Patrick!

We finished the tour satisfied that we had thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  We were very hungry by this point and stopped at a pub on the corner by our hotel.  Taylor had more soup.  This was our last day in Ireland so I can see why she made sure to get her last bowls of soup in.  I made sure to get a Guinness for this very reason.

After our little lunch, we were able to get into our hotel room.  We showered and relaxed for a while.  Once we were ready, we went out to see what was around.  We walked for a while in search of a restaurant that Taylor had looked up online.  We walked quite a while to get there only to find out they stopped serving food around 6pm.  We thought this was odd but apparently it was common?  So here we are again, hungry and in search for a restaurant to eat at.  We chose another restaurant near where we were staying just thankful they had food.  We were some of the only people in the restaurant.  There was a DJ setting up for some late night music and dance. 

Once finished, we walked back to the hotel and called it a night.  We were excited to head to Barcelona the next day!

Peace & Love,